Saturday, December 15, 2007

In Whatsoever State...

In Whatsoever State
By Jaclynn R.

“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11

Have I truly learned to be content with where God has placed me? With all He has chosen to bless me with, do I still have unfulfilled desires and wants? The biggest desire of many young girls is to be married and become a wife and mother. It certainly has been a big desire of mine. It can become discouraging as you wait for the right guy to come along. Even more so as you get older and older and you wonder if God will ever bless you with marriage. So where do we find contentment and what do we do with the desire? Being content is, in a sense being in a state of peace. Christ is the author of peace. Chris is our joy. He is our life— our true love. Having a husband could bring us much happiness, but it can never bring true joy. Only Christ can give joy. Only in Christ is there true contentment. By surrendering our will and desires to Him (sometimes daily!0 we can find it and keep it. Marriage is not a solution to our problems (including loneliness) and it is not the key to satisfaction— Christ is.
God has a perfect plan for me and for you. I do know what it it is, but since I have surrendered my life to the Lord, I know He is in control and has the say in what life holds for me. Being a wife is a high and noble calling, bit it should not be our life’s goal. Marriage can be a beautiful thing in the sight of the Lord, but so can being single. If God never sends me a husband, I know He does not love me any less than my married sisters in Christ.
Christ said we are His bride and one day He will come for us. In the meantime, we should prepares just as the bride prepares for her bridegroom. While we are waiting, what do we do with our time? Romans 12:12 says we should be: “rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.” In the same way, while we are waiting for our earthly bridegroom, we are to be becoming virtuous women, daily growing closer to the Lord. We can focus on becoming more equipped by learning home-making skills, learning how to take care of children, learning how to serve wherever God wants us to, and learning how to submit to our authority.
If you are not content while single, you will not be content when married. Life doesn’t begin when you become married. Life is happening right now! Paul, in 1 Corinthians 7, has a view on being single versus being married that I think would be helpful for all of us to read. Some of the points mentioned essentially say:
1. In troubled times, you are really better off being single— free to please only God.
2. If you do marry, you haven’t sinned; but take note: it’s not easy to have the necessary double allegiance of pleasing both God and husband.
3. Because time is so short, and the present form of this world is passing away: if you have a husband, love him and obey him, but live for eternity. Live for God. Don’t make it your life’s goal to be only a wife, nothing more.

(c) Jaclynn Robinson 2005

Originally written for Crystal N. Paine’s booklet entitled, A Maiden in Waiting, first published in March 2005.

1 comment:

Laura H. said...

Great Post, thankyou for posting. I thought everyone had abandoned us.

Laura H.