Friday, July 20, 2007

A maiden respects... her authority

Our culture devalues the virtue of submission and tells us in direct and indirect ways that it's all about 'freedom' and self-gratificaton. But a virtuous maiden doesn't believe this dangerous lie; she seeks a figure of authority in her life and honors her authority with thoughts, attitude, words and actions.

If you are an unmarried daughter, your father is your authority figure, and you should respect him and submit to him. This is how you are expressing your respect to God's design of family and our role as women. On the joyous day when a fortunate man wins your hand in marriage, he will become the one you submit to. And if currently you have no husband or father to guide you and protect you, have no fear - God, our Father, loves you and wants to guard you and give you direction. Turn to Him, and you will not be forsaken! Let Him inside your heart, and in your life, with every step you take.

I'm not going to write a long list of 'do's and 'don't's here; rather, I would like to encourage you to think about the course your life is taking at this season, and about any important decision you will make as an unmarried daughter. This includes decisions about college, work, where you are going to live until you are married, and how you are going to prepare for your inspiring future career as a wife.

You might say, 'this is my life!' - but it's not as simple as that. Are your actions expressing respect for God and your parents? Pray and have a conversation with your authority whenever in doubt about something. If you feel your decision makes you squirm and you aren't entirely comfortable discussing it with your father, maybe it's not something you should be doing after all.


Laura H. said...

Great post! I must say, you have a better skill of putting things into words, then I do. That is why there is a verse in scripture that says, As Iron Sharpeneth Iron, so a man sharpeneth his Neighbor!

Laura H

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I am enjoying your website a lot! Keep up the good work!
~Jaclynn ( a friend of LauraMay's)

James Bailey Brislin said...

I think it interesting that you bring this up.

Of course moral theology ties parental obedience back to the fourth commandment. Often overlooked, by the many is the idea that the fourth commandment implies obedience to civil laws, unless they are unjust? What? Why? Well ultimately, the reason why we must obey and honor our parents has to do with the nature of authority. Our parents, and the civil state both stand in for the authority of God.

This means that there are some significant implications for how the state exercises power, and how parents govern a home.

Now we are not to obey and unjust law or command- for example one that requires us to sin. At the same time, we must accept indignity and adversity with humility.